Still Learning...
Every time you bake you learn a little more. Expect to have bakes that reduce you to tears, we certainly have cried a few. So be kind to yourself, try, fail and try again.
We are still learning but here are a few tips we have picked up along the way:
Adapt regular recipes for cakes rather than using gluten free ones. we have found this works just as well but think carefully about the recipe you choose
Start with recipes that create a moist or wet mixture. Gluten Free flours can create a dry mix so look for oil cakes, carrots cakes and brownies where the moisture content is higher
Use your instinct, look at the mixture and add liquid if you think it needs it
Don't overwork it! without the elasticity of gluten your bake can quickly become tough if you overwork it.
Keep trying... it gets better
As soon as we crack pastry we will let you know!